The Creation of a Community Garden
Creating community gardens on campus or small gardens in schools and inviting students and teachers to get involved is part of our outreach efforts to introduce young people to organic agriculture, local agriculture, and permaculture.
And who knows… a return to honoring nature and what it can offer, as well as cultivation practices that respect its integrity may encourage future gardeners or ecologically responsible consumers.
A Nature Mural Workshop
By holding workshops to create a nature mural, thus mobilizing young people, we hope to shed light on the cause and effect relationships of the actions of Man and the pressures which are exerted on the ecosystems and the species they house. The involvement of schools or universities would allow us to hold these workshops from a point of view specific to each area of specialization of the schools and their fields.
Do It Yourself Workshops
DIY workshops organized in high schools or universities are opportunities to introduce students to the creation of artificial habitats for small nearby wildlife (birds nests or bats nests, insect hotels, hedgehogs nests, etc.). These workshops can precede nature outings, during which these creations can be installed.
Collecting Litter
Modeling the ecological challenge “Garges Clean Challenge,” led by young people of Garges-lès-Gonesse, we hope to:
Gather young people to pick up litter in natural spaces
Communicate the results of the collection and the objectives reached on the Young Ambassadors for the Environment website and social networks
Challenge other young people or universities to do the same by naming them on these networks
Recycling Green Waste
As Young Ambassadors for the Environment, we hope to create a community that is both aware of the potential of green waste composting and mobilized to convince other youth and citizens to get a compost bin at their house. In this process, requests can be made to city councils to install compost bins on campus, within university residences, in natural spaces, and within specific neighborhoods. In addition to these compost bins, there are also those that have been acquired by individuals that are already aware of our community of young ambassadors engaged in this cause.